The Birth of a Wish...
For the nearly 30 years Skyline Builders & Restoration Inc. has been in business, they have fed the hunger to support the community around them. In the early years, while many of the employees’ children were still young, that meant supporting scouting troops, parent teacher organizations, food drives, children’s sports leagues and local church activities. As the children grew, so did the company, and the hunger in our hearts to make a bigger difference could not be ignored.
In 2006 we began a partnership with Glendale Elementary School District and we began to “adopt” families during the Christmas season. Every family receives one wrapped toy for each child in the household ages birth to 18. A journey that began as “a way for Skyline Builders & Restoration to give back” has grown into a relationship that is really making a difference, and an experience that we look forward to each year.
Skyline Wish Builders, inc. has grown greatly over the years, as now we support seven different schools, and have a huge relationship with the Balsz school district, and are supporting a majority of their schools!
Who We Are
Our purpose is to provide families in need with an opportunity to take one moment and enjoy their lives, their children and the season. It is no secret that financially times are tough for everyone, but, there are people in our community that were having tough times before “times got tough”. At Skyline Wish Builders, Inc. we make every effort to serve the community around us all year long - and serving our neighbors during the holiday season is especially important to us. Our goal is to reach out in kindness, fulfill a need, and maybe as those we serve grow they will begin to imagine how they too can fill the needs of those around them.
More than ever we want families to believe again in the kindness of strangers. The directors of Skyline Wish Builders, Inc. believe that the magic of Christmas is inside of us, and we are making the choice to share it with those who need it most, because every child deserves the opportunity to believe in the unbelievable.